

Regardless of your School here are the basic requirements for being nominated 和 elected to Senate:

  • You are a minimally half-time continuing appointed DU faculty from one of the following lines:
    • 大学图书馆教授系列
    • 教学教授系列
    • 临床教授系列
    • 实践系列教授
    • 研究及教授系列
    • 终身教授系列
    • VTAP
  • 你是系主任, 副院长, 副院长, 迪安, Vice-Assistant教务长, 副教务长或副校长 who devotes at least one-half of your time to teaching 和 research.


Each school has its own processes for nominations 和 elections; we are working with your 迪安s' offices to assemble all those procedures on this page; meanwhile, 联系院长办公室了解详情.

  • College of Arts, Humanities, 和 Social Sciences (CAHSS)
    • Conducts nominations 和 elections for Senate at the end of spring quarter along with the nominations 和 elections for other committees.
    • The whole process from nomination to results usually takes the entire month of May.
    • Process involves representation by department/school within CAHSS.
    • Departments run their own nomination 和 election processes 和 reports the results to the 迪安's office.
    • There are a few "CAHSS general" seats that are elected by the entire College 和 are expected to represent the College generally rather than their own 项目. Those are nominated 和 elected though the committee ballot organized by the 迪安's office for CAHSS elections to all committees. The 迪安's office solicits nominations for those seats at the same time that they solicit nominations for all other open committee roles. Any faculty member may self nominate or nominate someone else for a "CAHSS general" seat.
  • 社会工作研究生院
    • Solicits nominations in the early spring for any vacancies
    • 在提名征集期间, any eligible faculty member can self-nominate or may nominate other faculty members (though the nominee must agree to the nomination)
    • Holds elections in April/May (along with committee 和 other service openings) 
    • Announces the new senators when the elections are complete.


    Elections: Elections to the Senate shall be conducted by members of the University faculty in each unit as follows:

    1. Nominations shall be made by members of the voting unit. Procedures shall provide that every member of the electorate have the opportunity to place names in nomination.
    2. There shall be a reasonable number of nominations for Senators to be elected.
    3. 选举应以无记名投票方式进行.
    4. Elections in the voting units shall be held before the first day of May.
    5. 所有教职员工(定义见第二章). B) shall be eligible to nominate 和 to st和 for the position of Senator at large.
    6. 全体参议员由选举产生, 无记名投票, at the last meeting before the May election meeting.
    7. Newly elected Senators shall take office at the end of the May election meeting.
  • 莫里奇教育学院(MCE)
    1. When new openings occur due to end of term or other situations (e.g., sabbatical, leave from university, etc) the MCE faculty governance body nominates c和idates.
    2. In the subsequent MCE 教师 Governance Body meeting, we entertain question 和 comments for the c和idates. 然后,教职员工对被提名的候选人进行投票.
    3. Nominees who receive the majority of votes are then deemed elected to 教师参议院.

    This 教师 Governance Body (FGB) is established to provide for the governance of the 莫里奇教育学院(MCE) 教师 和 for the full participation of the MCE 教师 in determining educational philosophies, 政策, 和程序. FGB代表了教职工的声音, advises the 迪安 和 the 迪安's office regarding all aspects of the functioning of the MCE, 包括但不限于学术使命, 教学/课程的质量, 研究预期/质量, 服务需求, 录取/保留学生, 学生和教师的政策和程序, as well as guiding efforts for inclusive excellence. 点击这里查看FGB章程.

  • 自然科学学院 & 数学(销售经理)

    There are currently 10 senators in NSM: Two representatives from each of five departments. Departments run their own nomination 和 election processes 和 reports the results to the 迪安's office.

  • Ritchie School of Engineering 和 Computer Science (RSECS)

    RSECS has 5 senator positions distributed across 3 departments as follows: One senator for each department 和 two senators at-large.

    When a position becomes available, RSECS runs elections:

    • Nominations (including self-nominations) are collected to form the ballot, 和 nominees are consulted to see if they are willing to serve if elected.
    • 取决于空着的座位, votes are collected in the relevant department (for department positions) or at the School level (for at-large positions). Whoever gets the most votes fills the position; in cases of a tie, there is a run-off election.
